Keep watching - I might just do a trick!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the truth!

I think everyone should be told the horrid truth about exercising. Really it looks so good on TV when you get that montage of people exercising, first they struggle and three shots later they are strong and fit and can run hundreds of miles. Well, ya wha-EVA!!! I started exercising again about 3 weeks ago and I ran twice a day for three days, have now decided only once a day, in the mornings will be good enough, and my body aches, I am not fit or super fast the stupid montage is taking it's time.

I think it's a secret plot by the exercise bunny to get the human race so tired and aching so they can takeover the world. Yes just because I am paranoid does not mean they are not trying to get me.


JCLL said...

I have the same problem.... There has to be a better, faster alternative...

The Closet Fashionista said...

I have found the perfect solution to this dilemma! Boksburg Virgin Active (ok, yes I am a suburbist!)...but seriously, I could never admit defeat at the hands of the treadmill or evil static skier the way I can at the good old boksburg gym...

I say no more than this. And I fear that when I move to Morningside it s one of those gyms where you have to be perfect before you gym?

EVIL montage sequences!

Ps Wozzel! a quote for you: "I hate paranoid people, they're everywhere!"

wozzel said...

Oh fashionable one… the man and I have joined a gym. And lets just say that so far… no one is dead. And, I don’t have a choice anymore… I’ve picked up so much since being all coupled you know… something must be done. So gym it is…sigheth.

ps - LOVE the quote ;)

AJohnP said...

Oh no. My timing is terrible.
I'm going back to the gym today after a very long hiatus.
I'll have to pretend I never read this post. :-)