Keep watching - I might just do a trick!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

google hurt my feelings

It makes me very sad when I can’t sign into google.
We have a thing. Google and I.
A long standing relationship of sorts.

And gmail decides to crash (or as they like to say “experience technical difficulties”).

Last night, it decides to be an arse. Or I was having problems with our home internet connection but I’m blaming google.

At work, I've not been able to sign in all day untill just a little while ago.

Fuckyou google! There. I said it. Coz that’s how I roll!

I needed to vent. I’m better now.

Sorry google. I still love you.

And now, here is a list of new things. I’ve decided to call it “Wozzel’s list of new things.” It’s not a very long list. Yet. But I will keep looking for new things to add to it. I’m going to be like, the “Oprah” of blogs. And every now and again I will update you all.

Wozzel’s list of new things

My new word is uBani. You have to say it really loud and insert as squeaky a voice as humanely possible. Like that chick from the Polka advert. You remember right? You say it like this -

“uBaaaaaani?” and you can use it where ever and whenever you want really. It’s a lot of fun. I can’t get it too high though. And anyway, people might think I was gay if I did… oh, wait a minute…

My new fun way with words is to play with syllables. These are fun to add at any time. I learnt this from my nephew today while chatting to him on the phone this afternoon. At almost 3 years old, he is the only person who is able to call me “Un-ca-el Woz-a-el”

I think it’s some kind of Cantonese baby slang. I’m reading into it. While I do my research, you might find it great fun to randomly add syllables to words. Make it up as you go.

My new yummy (but not very healthy) snack. Stir-fried popcorn.

Wozzel?!?!?! What the hell is stir-fried popcorn?

I’ll tell you. No wait. I’ll teach you how to make it.

In a wok (coz wok’s rock) and add just a teeny bit of butter, a teaspoon brown sugar, 2 teaspoons honey. Melt it. Watch it go sticky and goldenly brown… mmmm…Take a cup of popped corn, and throw into said wok and sugary-honey mixture, stir-fry very quickly. Let it cool down. It turns nice and crunchy-hard. VOILA!!! Stir-fried popcorn. Who woulda thunk it? (No, this was not a “munchies” concoction. I was just feeling a tad adventurous last night.)

And that’s it.

Have an awesome day and smile dammit!

The end.


Thoughts from the fish bowl. said...

nutter :p

JCLL said...

It sounds great, if you like sweet popcorn, which I don't, but Tristan might....

wozzel said...

It’s like caramel popcorn, but different. In an interesting way .lol.

peanut butter and jelly said...

I can not judge you for your little indulgence, I like my popcorn with salt and pepper on it, no one else does.

Nik_TheGreek said...

Never ever EVER say bad things about Google! You don't know what might happen to you... Didn't you know that you're being constantly watched? They have Satellites and e-spies everywhere.
Haven’t you seen ‘The Net’ with Bullock? It could get ugly. They can e-kill you in no time...

wozzel said...


The Closet Fashionista said...

Firstly, I love uBani! ...gonna be a thing for me, I can tell. I'm gonna try and sneak it into legalese how SA jurisprudence banders about their favourite, uBuntu!

Secondly: I have a three year old sister and I totally get the extended syllable thing... also, the "redundancy thing" (or tautological redundancy)and the "inversion thing" of her phraseology: such classics as:
"dustbin bin" and "polish nail" hahahaha Little Moo! she rocks!

wozzel said...

i love the things that kids come up with. hillarious. the other day while my nephew was at our house for lunch he asked if he could have pepper, pointing at the hubbly sitting on the book shelf. hehe.

The Closet Fashionista said...


clearly his household has a FUCK-OFF sized pepper mill!