Keep watching - I might just do a trick!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

such an arse

Last night I was such an arse! Really.
One day I will figure out how to use the washing machine.. sigh.

If it’s not flooding the entire apartment (which I have now done 3 times in the last month) It’s striking and not working.
Then there was the time I had done a large load, and when the machine sang his little song, announcing his job done, I went to unpack the machine, only to find that I had not put the clothes in (someone pass me my “you are an arse” sign)

I had 2 loads of laundry to do last night and started as soon as I got home. The first load went smoothly and I took all the clothes out, threw them in the tub and started the second. I was then distracted. A friend came over with a music DVD that I had to see. Anyway – the familiar “I’m done washing your clothes” jingle started and off I went to empty the machine so I could start getting the clothes into the drier…

See – I had put the clothes into the bath while I was watching the music videos, and forgotten that the water outlet runs into the bath. Resulting in dirty wash water gushing all over the freshly washed clothes… resulting in me doing a 3rd unnecessary load. Now I’m personally responsible for water wastage. Sigh. (Where is my “you are an arse” sign?)

Moving right along…

– I have officially received the “your internet usage is too high” lecture at work. Oops. I need to spend more time on work and not on line. I knew it would come to this.

I’m smiling today… my medication makes me do it.


peanut butter and jelly said...

You do not seem to have very much luck when it comes to domestic duties? Considered getting someone to help out at home?

Thoughts from the fish bowl. said...

thankgoodness for the jingle. else my washing would stay in till i remember it. i agree with pbj - get a maid!

wozzel said...

don't you lot be teasing me! I'm not the best when it comes to heavy duty eqipment and such i will have you know. lol.

Thoughts from the fish bowl. said...

Tease you? never! haha

Anonymous said...

lol.i love how you see the funny side in every day situations. Such a change from a lot of blogs I read.

Anonymous said...

You need to get a house husband.

wozzel said...

HAHA. I do Poppy. Only, he refuses to do the laundry.

Juz said...

Time to train him.

wozzel said...

Juz, dude, he is very well trained. He is currently training me! remember I’ve written about my overly OCD boyfriend before! lol, I was the incredibly messy one until he got his claws on me. and, we share chores, so it’s either laundry or ironing, I prefer laundry.

The Closet Fashionista said...

What is this "laun...dry" you talk of? is it like a Savannah dry ? ;) YOu are...wait for it...a WINKYHEAD! Thanks for the mid morning chuckle! ho ho ho ho (I chuckle like Santa near Christmas, it's more festive that way) xxx