Keep watching - I might just do a trick!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

flutter by butterfly

I have a strange fascination with Butterflies. I just think they are beautiful. When I was in primary school I learnt how to make paper butterflies.

Soon there were butterflies everywhere. My bedroom walls were covered with colorful paper butterflies and I soon started making them for friends and family. Anyone who asked really.

Today I can tell you that my paper butterflies can be found in the USA at a distant families home. In Canada where a close friend of mine lives. In the UK they are dotted across at family homes, friends and acquaintances. They have made their way to Johannesburg to friends. They can be found in Cape Town – Bethlehem, Kroonstad, Nelspruit – they are all over! And then of course, in each and every home I’ve ever lived I’ve always folded new butterflies to match my new mood – my new home.

I sent some to a blogger friend up in Johannesburg some time back, a gifted blogger, author, mother – friend… I chose paper from magazines with words on, coz she be a lover of words you know – and this is the e-mailed response I got.

"I don't know what to say, I am moved and flattered and blown away. They are so beautiful and I will never get tired of 'reading' each and every one of them. They look as though you know me, as if you climbed into my life and made my stories into the butterflies.
I'm going to put them in a box-frame and hang it beside my bed forever and ever.
I love you so much !!!!!!!!
Thank you Wozzlet, you made my heart swell so that it felt it would jump out of my chest and do Britney dances all over my kitchen table.

“Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.”

(I bloody HEART that quote)


And these are the butterflies I sent her.

I love that e-mail so so so much. It made me smile, from the inside out :)


Anonymous said...

i want 1 :oD

Nik_TheGreek said...

wow... There are indeed really nice. Well done...

(you see what I did there? I haven't asked for one directly, I am just trying to compliment your work.)... :-p

wozzel said...

lol, Nik, you make me laugh :)

Thank you!