Keep watching - I might just do a trick!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

away for a few days.

Oh people. Wonderful people. I'm in my element. I'm so happy that when I fart, little rainbows come pooping out. I'm going away for a few days and the break could not have come at a better time. I'm tired. I need a few days away. I'm going to be a million miles away from home, in the middle of no where with my family. Everyone, except, of course, for younger brother who just does not do the family thing. That however is another post for another day - and I've got a headache right now so dont feel like discussing it. But I do want to brag about the fact that I'm going to be far away, camped along side a beautiful river mouth, comfortably nestled between stunning mountains, where the fish eagles cries can be heard - the crickets love songs chirriping in the evenings - where you can actualy see all the stars in the night sky - and time almost seems to stand still. Morning walks through forrest paths and some sailing. Yes. I think some sailing is in order. Horse riding, a spot of fishing (not that I fish, but we do these things there ya know?) And then we will also have a big party - coz it's my step dads 60th, and that is why we are all going to be there. I'm going to be up bright and early tomorrow morning, like 3:00am - so we can get a good start on the road.

yes. It's going to be quite grand and I'm real excited :)

So - farewell till then, and just because it's my blog and I can, I'm reposting one of my faves - just to keep things interesting. bye bye

to poo - or not to poo. what is the question?

Taking a poo can be a bit tricky when you are in a new relationship. Really; we don’t want to think about our partners exercising bowel movements, I get that.
It’s very much the same way we don’t want to think of our parents as being sexual beings –
…….but we know.

I used to think mine just never did. Poo that is. He stayed over so often but I had never seen him go into the bathroom for longer than a minute to take a wee – I thought it rather mysterious. Of course I never asked. I just let it be.

We were discussing the art of poo just the other day. We were talking about overcoming stage fright. Seeing as we live together now and taking into consideration that the bathroom is en suite, we thought it was necessary.

We discussed toilet etiquette. I was surprised and naturally pleased to learn that he also does. Poo that is. “I’m not the only one” I wanted to sing and shout! Instead I just said so in my head.

I don’t get stage fright. When I poo that is. For goodness sake. I just let lose.
I might open a tap.
Maybe run the shower?
You know the *cough cough* to disguise the “plimp kloomp klimp plomp”
but if you gotta go you gotta go.

When nature calls she doesn’t wait for an answer.

Yes I do believe one should be polite about it. One should be considerate and light a match, spray a spray – open the window a little perhaps.

Wozzie’s random thoughts – poo’s do’s and don’ts

One does not need to offer support. Standing outside cheering is going over board.
Asking “did you poo” in the morning - not on.
No need to announce it “honey, I’m just going for a poo. See you in a bit” No. No need. I don’t care.
Do spray. Please.
Don’t grunt. Please.
Sing – if it helps.
Do not under any circumstance name it.

You know you have crossed a barrier, achieved a connection – reached a new level in your relationship when you ask “so was it lose or hard” and you may as well just get married right there and then on the spot because nothing is sacred anymore and you are officially a couple.

Ok, now that I’ve scared you all off and have you all shaking your head in complete shock I’m going to go now and talk shit somewhere else.


Nik_TheGreek said...

wow... Have fun while being away! Please take pictures!!!!
The poo issue is quite taboo… Nobody wants to discuss about it… nobody…

Juz said...

Have a great break!
Think of us poor sods slaving away.
Busy busy.
Gotta go...poo.

Pedders said...

Wow, the poo thingy is just sick x_x

@Nik: ofcourse it's taboo - it's a disgusting subject to speak about. Ok, it brings relief to the human body, etc, but still... (yes, three dots on purpose)

Woz, enjoy your time off as much as possible!

Gail said...

Wahahaha! so true! oh and enjoy your lil break!