Keep watching - I might just do a trick!

Monday, February 1, 2010

in my own little world

When I'm taking a walk by myself, I tend to play with the environment. I climb up on railings, step on stairs that are not on my path. I jump on all the big rocks I can find, hug and touch trees, pick up stones and sticks, flowers and leaves. I skip from the pavement to a stone fence and back. I chase butterflies – I greet the birds. I blow kisses to the clouds – they just laugh at me and throw rain drops on my head.

If there's something more to do than just walk a straight line on a flat surface, I'll be happy to do it.

Sometimes I use this consciously to get out of my head and more into the present moment. I rarely do it when I’m around other people.

They might think I’m mad.

Sometimes I just play and sometimes I do this to escape real life. To just get out for a while, a change of scenery you know? I spend a lot of time in Villa La WozzĂ©l – I like being in my own little world. It’s happy and peaceful there. Plus all the boys are hottt and covered in chocolate they are foreign and they speak in French and Italian accents. Some of them are French/Italian. Now you know.

I have a new ipod. My first one had been stolen 2 days after buying it, and that was over a year ago. I’ve received this one as a gift from my cousin. Makes walking through the world, half here, half in my own - a little more interesting. No more looking at the world through rose tinted sunn glasses, I’m looking at the world through the voices of some of my favorite musicians.

When I’m walking down the road I amuse myself by making the people in my field of vision dance and sing to the music I'm listening to. I've always had this habit of picturing something "on top" of the visual reality I'm seeing, like putting the sun in the sky when it's not there. Or putting the man on the moon. The images feel like they're half in my head and half in my eyes, so I "see" them superimposed (is that a real word?) on top of ordinary reality.

Sometimes I put on some juicy dance tunes or power ballads and make woman pole dance, old men burst into song, I dress the straight boys up like The Village People – I have them singing along with Celine Dion. Little old grannies “smack that” and who let the dogs out again!? I generally cause havoc and mayhem - people dancing and twirling, jumping over the street and making grandiose moves in the aisles between the washing powder and dishwashing liquid at Spar.

So if you see a strange little man with curly brown hair, listening to his ipod, watching strangers like something fun and interesting is going on there, laughing to himself, wiping the laugh tears out of his eyes, who knows…

that might just be me.

So do come by say hi :) and remember to smile, it makes me happy.


Nik_TheGreek said...

I can't see myself coming to Durban soon (unfortunately).
So, I am smiling and saying HI to you now...

Thoughts from the fish bowl. said...

LOL! old grannys smack that!