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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Today on the radio I heard a song that I’ve always loved.
It’s cute. Catchy – but completely wrong.

I think so anyway and that’s all that matters.

The song? “It’s got to be perfect”

You know it. From back in the 80’s – I can’t remember who sang it, but that is not the point. The point is that in my opinion they got it all wrong.

“Young hearts are foolish, they make such mistakes” tra – la – la – la – la (ok, that part they got right)

And the song goes on to say “It’s got to be (e – e – e – e – e) perfect”

I don’t want perfect.
I’m not perfect.
No one is.
And if you do think you are, or that I am or that someone is, we are all doomed.
And what the hell is perfect anyway?

My boyfriend told me something when we first got together, that I will never forget. I have shared it with all my friends, it is something I think we should all know and remember. I'm quite sure I've said it here somewhere before...

“This thing about relationships being 50/50 is bull shit. There is no such thing. Relationships are 40/40. The other 20% is compromise, understanding, communication and learning - because - none of us are perfect. There can be no half/half”

What he said after, and what I have learnt is that together you make up that other 20%. There are times when he will need to make up for where I am at a loss and times when I do on his behalf, in all circumstances.

I might be using a trivial example here, it might not even mean anything to some of you, but I believe that this is relevant in all aspects of our lives.

STOP trying (because that is all you will ever do try) to be perfect. STOP expecting and demanding perfection in and out of everything and everyone.


You’ll be happier. I guarantee it.

And just to add to the cliché (ness) of all of this and my somewhat random - all over the place attempt at a post, I leave you with one of the most clichéd love quotes of all time.

“Love is not seeing the perfect person, but seeing the imperfect person perfectly”

Isn’t that just perfect?


Ryan O said...

I love that song!

The thing about perfection, is that it is all in the mind. People say that nobody is perfect, but it all comes down to how you view that sentence. Your partner, for example, may not be 'perfect' in the strictest sense of the word, but he is 'perfect' for you, and that is all that should matter. Thats the point of the song.

"Too many people, take second best, but I wont take anything less."

It's about being able to accept that a person isnt perfect, but at the same time realising that those imperfections are what makes them ultimately, perfect for you. My bf is a long way from perfect, but he is perfect for me, and I wouldnt change him for the world. Blah, I talk to much. Thats just what I think the song is supposed to mean anyways.

Ry :D

wozzel said...

I think you make a valid point and I do like the way you see my thoughts on this.

Anonymous said...

Dude are you re posting old posts? I'm sure i've read the compromise and poo talk post before.

wozzel said...

heya pops. Yeah, re: the poo talk, as i wrote, it was a repost before i went away for a few days. the compromise part, yes, i've written similar posts about that, but it is new. Thanks for reading dude!!

JCLL said...

I am not sure what ya all are talking about...I am 100% perfect and my BF is ... well I am making him 100% perfect.....