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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

eye spy with my little eye - just about everything at the moment

So I’m wearing glasses now. Which is quite cool. I can’t help asking myself how the heckles I’ve been getting through life without them. I never realized how bad my eyesight was. When I got them yesterday I was like a little kid pointing out everything to my boyfriend as we drove home. “oh wow, look, I can read the license plate number of the car in front of us” - “oh my, I can actually see the headlines of the paper on the lamp post” - “shit! I never realized everything actually has a solid line around it”

I’ve been going through life in b.l.u.r.

The optometrist was not so nice though. Must admit. Could have been friendlier I think. Considering I am actually spending the money I work for. Saying she had a face like a slapped arse would be a compliment.

But I digress.

Today must also be the first day I’ve not had a headache before 10:00am. S.E.R.I.O.U.S! I’ve always suffered with headaches, which leave all ogre like by the end of the day.

Bye bye headaches.

I was advised not to wear contact lenses. Which would have been my first choice. Something about the shape of my eye and lenses not being compatible or something like that, but I’m quite liking the frames I got. Discreet. Frameless. And I look a bit more distinguished, as per colleagues. I bet that just means “older”.

Moving onto a dilemma I currently find myself in. Gardening.


I said it.

Gardening. I used to love it. I’m just not so sure anymore. And I spend a lot of time working on mine.

What I’ve discovered is that gardening is not as easy as it should be. It is a messy business and it does not matter how hard you try – gardens just do not end up looking like they should, or, as they do in the Top Billing Magazine anyway.

I sing.
I dance.
I beg and I plead – do my plants listen?
Do they hear me?

I think not.

I trim, I cut.
I toss the soil –
I fertilize.
For goodness sake, I make my own fertilizer!
I’m left with a mess.

Looking like over cooked, sloppy veggies at the moment, reminds me of boarding school.

Ja – lets blame all the rain. There sure has been a lot of it here lately. I even built a shelter from an old tomato box to protect my little ones from all those heavy falling rain drops. It never helped much. Only I thought that was the point of rain.

Really – really, quite contrary, to make your garden grow.

Instead, I have what resembles a pond at the moment. A dirty, muddy pond scattered with leaves.

Perhaps I should just grow ferns. Anyone can grow a fern.


Juz said...

I find this little poem on the interweb for us city dwellers.

Mary, Mary, quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
I live with my brat
in a high-rise flat
so how the F@*k would I know.

Nik_TheGreek said...

Maybe you can try taking the glasses off when visiting your garden. In blur, it might look much prettier.
Growing a garden is def a hard job. Good luck

Anonymous said...

even the fern i tried to gorw died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck;)

wozzel said...

@ Juz - hahaha. that is brilliant. But i do love my garden and i will make it work. Once i have, i shall post a picture :)

Nik - i think you are spot on. It has looked worse since i got my glasses. im thinking i will keep them off when in the garden.

@ Anon - heya! dude / dudette, stay away from plants. seriously.