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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

a friend..

My best friend in the entire world lives in Canada.
He always has.
We have never met.


We’ve not.

When I was 10 years old we had a school project that involved making “pen-pals” with kids of the same age in other countries. We were given some contacts and told to choose. Of course I wrote and sent off a letter to my “pen-pal” and soon we were writing all the time.

As the years went by we obviously progressed to e-mail and chat and all of that.

19 years this year. Sjoe, that’s a long time. He is probably the one person I’ve known longer. A friend I’ve had longer than any other friend.

We’ve sent home DVD’s and gifts.
All the cliché flags and mementos.

I’ve got 3 Canadian flags, too many Canadian themed fridge magnets, note books, pens and pencils.
He has his fair share of South African logo’d goodies.

We speak on the phone often,
We chat every single day.

I’m dying to go to Canada one day to visit, and he is dying to come to South Africa and I know it will happen.

I guess who will finally make it over first?

hehe – he even “came out” to me about 2 years ago (even though I had told him I was gay at 18). Bizarre.

19 years this year, of a friend I’ve never met.

There is something pretty cool about that you gotta admit.


Thoughts from the fish bowl. said...

that really is so cool wozzel! i had a pen pal once when i was still in junior school but it never lasted long. hope you get to visit eachother IRL one day.

Anonymous said...


Paige said...

what an unbelievable story.
wozzel, there's a plot for a novel in there.

wozzel said...

you think so Paige?

Juz said...

That's bloody amazing!
Well done for keeping it going so long. I had a pen-pal in Berlin. It lasted 1 year. He was a doos.

I hope you guys meet soon - it sounds like a romantic story waiting for its happy ending.


wozzel said...

hey Juz, kinda true there. For a very long time we kinda chatted about all the "What if's" and yeah, we just had to accept the fact that there is an ocean between us. but true, as you said, its amazing we've managed to keep it up for as long as we have. We've got a close friendship. it rocks.