Keep watching - I might just do a trick!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

vok se die bok! (which means "fuck said the buck" for my non Saffa readers)

I have a problem.

I call it critical ass.

Critical ass is the point at which, no matter how hard you try, squeeze, breath or hold your breathe, you no longer fit into your pants.

It is true. I have picked up a pants size.

If contentment makes you fat I’m clearly fat, I mean, content.

I’m content dammit!

On Saturday, boyfriend and I went to go buy new clothes for work and we both have picked up one size. I said I will not buy a size 34 pant, I will not. I will wear my slightly faded, older size 32’s, even if I am busting at the seams and I will go on diet and I will run and I will swim and I will do whatever it takes to fit into a size 32 again by the end of January because I WILL NOT allow this.

When I was in school I was a fat, and so this is why I can not allow myself, I can not give myself permission to pick it up again.

I shant.

I refuse.

So wish me luck. I have 3 weeks in which to make this happen.

Even as I sit here and type I can hear my tummy laughing at me.

ja - we will see who gets the last laugh!


Thoughts from the fish bowl. said...

Wozzel. listen to me. how can you say you are fat when your pictures you look like you are thin?

Nik_TheGreek said...

I agree. Your pictures look really good. Don't worry about it...

It's just a global conspiracy changing the numbers of the pants sizes to make you feel fat...

Just blame the goverment...

peanut butter and jelly said...

i also agree.
like nik says just blam the government. its common practice anyway these days. ha!

The Closet Fashionista said...

Hello Wozzel! Missed this blogging thing being so busy! PS you are TOTALLY NOT FAT...I can tell from the way you write ;) you're gorgeous! xxx Much lovings! LML

wozzel said...

:) you're too kind.

Anonymous said...

Blame china and their small sizes.

Anonymous said...

haha. fat or phat? there is a difference,