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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

learning to love my job

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve stopped bitching about Mondays. I just don’t let Monday get to me anymore, and what is quite nice, is that with all the public holidays we have here in March / April, I don’t have too many Mondays to deal with. At work anyway.

I do however bitch about work quite a lot. Which I guess is also rather unfair.

I love my job.

k. Love is a word not to be taken too lightly. Rather, I quite enjoy my job.

It’s the waking up early in the morning and forcing myself out of bed that gets to me more. It’s that Sunday evening feeling of doom and gloom because a new week is upon us, the morning traffic. The afternoon traffic. It’s the idea that out there, the sun is shining and the ocean is calling and the beers are chilling – and I’m just chilling at work that gets to me. And then of course… It’s the people I don’t like that much.

I am a peoples person. I think that is quite true of me. I just don’t like 98% of the people I work with.

The truth is though, once I get in to it. I actually have a pretty good time. Considering that I have a rather cushy job, that pays well and I get to do pretty much what I want to, I have it pretty easy.

So cheers to work I say. Cheers to keeping me out of mischief and away from too many chilled beers.

Godsiens, where would I be were I allowed to drink beer all day?

I don’t even want to know.


Beertjie said...

that's a good attitude to have. I have the same experience with my job, like it but the traffic and the people really gets to me.

JCLL said...

I had that kind of job...cushy job that pays well, where I got to do what I wanted, and I gave it all up...Now I hate every minute of my life.

wozzel said...


well, UPDATE. today i frikking hate my job.

Well, untill 12:00 - coz then i'm outta here for a confrence.

Free Food :) know what i mean.
