Keep watching - I might just do a trick!

Friday, March 26, 2010

the madness that has been my week

What a week. For a short one, it’s been a rather long one.

Yesterday was just too much.

There was the usual bitchiness amongst co-workers.
There was a boring conference.
There was the usual cat fighting between friends.

There was that strange smell hanging around the water cooler again. And that just made me sad.

Oh look, I did find one or two smiles along the way. There was old Maud in reception who I noticed had worn one black, one navy court shoe to work by mistake. That made me laugh. A lot. I even received a foreign language e-mail. Well, sort of. I had chocolate. I had coffee. I had a lovely chat with me gran. These things make me happy.

But, then – it happened. My lift tells me that he needs to leave early and I had to face public transport. This after coming back to work after the most boring seminar ever.


I don’t remember much, except that I sulked all the way home and grunted at the people begging for money at the bus stop. And also maybe that kid who asked for the time. Eventually, I was home, eleventy hours later, and I was quite simply, diemoerin!

Then I noticed my face in the mirror. Oh my… if my mother was there she would smack me straight upside the head and say “Get over it my boy”. Then she would probably pour herself a glass of wine, give me “the hand” and walk away shaking her head as if I were an especially precious kitten that had died in tragic circumstances.

And I looked at this face of mine. just for a moment. I closed my eyes. I thought about the day and all it’s kakkiness. I remembered it was over now and so I could chill. I remembered that I was meeting my brother for lunch this weekend! And it’s his turn to pay :) Then I remembered I had wine in the rack!!!

Oh I smiled. A big silly smile. I did a little victory dance around my house, teased the cat and called him a silly queer, which made my boyfriend laugh and my roommate angry. And then, I went to sleep.

I was very tired remember?

So I’m not entirely sure what my pluck was. Maybe I was just tired. Maybe I just needed a good poo! Who knows? Not I! But I woke up feeling much better today and ready to embrace the new day. And – I’m smiling, because I still have wine at home!

I fell asleep remember.

I will however not embrace the strange smell. Not unless it is clinging to the man I love, and then by gods he better be something special!



Nik_TheGreek said...

Days like this come and go.
Remember: It's FRIDAY today! YAY!!!! Any other plans for the weekend?

Unknown said...

I like your style.

JCLL said...

I find the best way to deal with those kinda days is to go home, bonk your brains out, and go for a walk with your dogs....well that works for me...

wozzel said...

aaah. Ninnles. Thank you. I'm thinking of writing a book ;) lol

Nik :) heya matey. We are having a super relaxed one this weekend. Just a small bbq tomorrow with mates. and the rest of the weekend i intend gardening...

JCLL - if only my man were still in his 20's i might be that lucky... but i decided to date older.. therefore.. LOL.

Gail said...

:) hmmmm cosmos at home ...

wozzel said...

Gail, my darling.

how did you get from Wine to Comsmos?

hehe, but - on that - you've now planted a seed. which may just grow into a cosmo tree :)