Keep watching - I might just do a trick!

Monday, March 29, 2010

no point what so ever

a) I’m being stalked on facebook by someone with the same name as mine. For some bizarre reason this person sends me messages all the time saying things like “we should hang out sometime” and “you must be cool, we have the same name and surname”


b) I must stop saying “oh dear Gloria Estefan” as often as I do. It’s very, very gay.

c) So am I – hehe.

d) My garden is finally starting to cooperate and after 4 hours on Saturday – of my boyfriend and I digging, fertilising, planting and arranging, I’m starting to really, really love it again.

e) I really should have been more sluttier in high school. Somehow, even though I kept my wholesome name (no. not really) I still sometimes think I may have missed out somewhere along the way.

f) I really should not have told my boyfriend that over the weekend.

g) I can not wait for the weekend. I know, it’s only Monday, but this is a good weekend coming up and I’m heading down to visit the boyfriends family, and I love being there.

Peace and quiet.

h) I need to write more. I need to explore new thoughts and ideas and get out of this bloggers block I find myself in.

i) I really must stop in at the shops and do some grocery shopping.

j) I really hate grocery shopping.

k) I have a headache.

l) I also have a tummy ache :(

m) I bought 3 new books this weekend. Did you know that?

n) They are all written by South African authors. I’m kinda biased like this.

o) I’m really trying to go through a – z with this list. Even if that means typing crap.

But I’m nice enough to warn you though?

p) P stands for Penis. A penis stands for action. If you’re gay, and you wake up next to your boyfriend/who ever you were with the night before, you get a double whammy. I always think that’s so funny. Morning glory times 2.

q) This is really harder than I thought it would be.

r) The list. Not the penis. Not yet anyway.

s) “Somewhere, over the rainbow”. Is a beautiful song that I love and begins with S

t) I spent over R900.00 on plants this weekend. A bit mad isn’t it?

u) My parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow evening and I have no idea what to make. Though, I’m leaning towards Nik’s Spinach and Feta pie. It’s awesome. And easy.

v) I was mugged :( and my cell phone was stolen.

w) My boyfriend bought me a new one :) not fancy and all that – but it does the trick.

x) So does my boyfriend if I ask him really nicely.

y) “Why do birds… suddenly appear” does not start with “Y” – but it kind of sounds the same.

z) Ze things ve do for ze sake of blogging.

Like write a random crappy lists. Or lithpth, if you say it like me :)

Shame. Oh well. You’ll be ok. Now back to your kitting.


Nik_TheGreek said...

I've tried today to write a post and I can't focus to finish it. I suffer from a post day hangover. Trying to do a list like that would give me a headache...
Thanks for the recipe reference.
How much is R900.00 in real money? :-p

robertga99 said...

Everyone needs a good stalker in their life. It keeps things interesting. LOL

JCLL said...

You think R900 is alot, my boyfriend spends about R900 every single weekend on plants....

Nik, R900 is about 90 pound...and about 9000 000 000 dragmas..... ;-0

wozzel said...

JCLL - thats a lot of money on plants! How big is your property! sjoe. We have a mini garden :) but i love it anyway.