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Friday, November 27, 2009


I think our room mate has it easy.

Single – and ready to mingle, 25 and she is beautiful.

Plus she lives with a gay couple who ferret around cooking and cleaning and keeping things at home under control.

Sometimes it just feels like she takes advantage though. And I’m not sure what to say about it. If I should even say anything.

I know I should because it is starting to bother me a bit. Sometimes, I don’t think she pulls her weight.

It’s a toughie for me because we had been room mates first before my boyfriend had moved in, and we have been friends for a long time. And I’m not a conflict person; I don’t want to have to say “look, we need to talk, please, wash dishes now and again, sweep out once in a while – maybe cook – fry an egg? Hey, I will give you 10/10 for effort”

Coz I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings coz that’s how I roll.

I do know that eventually I am going to have enough of it and explode and that will be even worse and my boyfriend will say “see, I told you so”

So I guess I should grow some balls and just have that chat with her. Maybe over a glass (read: bottle) of cheap wine.

But not tonight, I have a function to attend.


JCLL said...

Tell her in passing. Come home one night and just say, "why dont you make us supper tonight" and go to the bathroom or to the room or something. Or as you leave the house, say "do mind just doing the dishes for me, I am running sooo late".

wozzel said...

hehe, she is on leave today and as I left home I told D to drop her a hint that seeing as she is home with nothing to do all day it would be great if she cleaned up. see, thing is, my boyfriend is OCD, so every weekend is spring cleaning. Every Saturday without fail he and I really climb into the house and clean from one side to the other. I would like a Saturday morning off for a change :)

Nik_TheGreek said...

Shame on you to let your boyfriend do the dirty work for you. :-p You should talk to her since you know her better and for longer.
If you can't have the 'talk', just leave a note on the fridge. A simple note will do:

wozzel said...

LOL! you are right, i did cop out on this one. haha. but i did ask him nicely. He told me he did not say anything. haha.

Ryan O said...

I am in the same situation. Though unlike you I can't bite my tongue and I have to start shouting and kicking off. I think it is in your best interest to say something sooner rather than later because the longer you hold it in, the more likely you are to explode and cause rows in your friendship


peanut butter and jelly said...

Best you nip it in the bud, as they say, before you do explode, as you said.

Anonymous said...

i only ever shared space once before with a room mate and after a few months of not saying anything i eventualy got so cross i shouted and screamed and ended a friendship. Better to say something before something like that happens for you.

wozzel said...

gawwwsh, you lot sound like my boyfriend. hahaha.

but i hear you. its the truth - i do need to say something. ok. shall do!

JCLL said...

Get a maid....stop with the Saturday cleaning.....IMMEDIATELY

wozzel said...

We (boyfriend and I) have had beeeg arguments over that already. He refuses to get a domestic. This is the downfall of being with someone who is OCD. Like, overly OCD.