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Thursday, November 5, 2009

a new muscle

I have discovered a muscle I never knew existed! I found it right between the Tibia and Fibula. No! don’t google. Take my word for it. It’s there. I felt it.

I discovered this new muscle while playing scrabble last night. I kid you not. As I stretched over, making the word “ACRONYM” (I was first to play and everyone thought I was very clever, when actually, I was just very lucky. That’s exactly how I pulled it out the bag!) Fo Shizzel!! It was as I was placing the “M”, the longest of all the stretches, that I felt this sudden twinge in my lower leg.
It did not hurt.
It did not last very long.
It did not leave me feeling cripple.

It felt fantastic.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

But it is there.
And I’m pleased.
And I love my new muscle.

Right now, I don’t really want to talk about muscles though. I would rather spend a minute discussing wine. I like wine. A lot. It agrees with me.
I like wine in bottles. I like wine in boxes. I like wine in cans (I’ve never actually seen wine in a can, but if there was, I’m sure I would be a fan). I like wine through straws. I like wine in the hubbly. Oh my goodness, give me wine and I’m a happy little Wozzlet.

I like Shiraz. I like Merlot. Throw in a Shiraz/merlot! I like chardonnay. I like cabernet. Really – if it comes from a grape, it must be good.

My question though, regarding wine. Think carefully now please, this is important.
What would be best served with a spicy lamb curry?
I have friends coming over for dinner tonight and I need to make a good impression!
I’m stuck.
Merlot – Shiraz – Blanc de blanc?


Tristan said...

Chardonnay you silly! Lightly oaked.

Anonymous said...

just drink it.

JCLL said...

Sorry but I ahd to look google Tibia and Fibula...Who knew...Its your ancle....I took History at school, not Biology...