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Monday, November 16, 2009

i need a hug

I need a hug.

I’m sad.

There was a job you see. One I wanted, like real bad.

So I went for an interview and I brushed my hair all nicely and even shaved for the occasion (I don’t shave. I hate it) (ok I do shave, but because I have to, like once a week). I was wearing a shirt that brings out my eyes (lol) and even had a nice cologne on (maybe it reminded her of an ex?) and I was all well prepared and knew all the right things to say, even threw in a few fancy words.

Only, I never got the job.


Moving on – I have had a lot of other work pouring in so I’m still writing and that’s all that matters right?

ooh, remind me to tell you about the wedding we went to over the weekend. Sjoe, that was an experience…


Juz said...

Sorry you didn't get the job :(

JCLL said...

I hate that....when you have your heart set on a job and you KNOW you will be great at it, and you did so well in the interview...and you dont get it....IT SUCKS!!!

wozzel said...

it does. but i'll be ok :)

Anonymous said...
