Keep watching - I might just do a trick!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

polly want a what?

So last night I decided to get the African Grey stoned.

Yip. We have an African Grey (well, our room mate does) her name is Trevor.
The African Grey, not our room mate.
I hear you.
I’m also trying to figure out that one.

Anyway. So last night I decided to get the usually chaotic, upside down hanging (I sometimes think possessed) African Grey stoned.

So funny.

Boyfriend and I were in the kitchen, I was baking (it’s my thing you see, I bake – my man eats – works for us) and puffing along when Trevor decided he would take a walk from the lounge through to the kitchen. So I started blowing smoke in her face (don’t tell the SPCA! She actually liked it I think) and after about 10 minutes of that she sauntered off back to the lounge, climbed up to the top of her cage and did not move, speak, whistle or make any psycho – deranged sounds for the rest of the evening.

She just sat there, perched on one foot staring into to space.

I was waiting for the munchies to kick in.
Would have been hilarious if she started screaming “Polly wants a fucking cracker”


Just silence.

When we offered her a muffin (I was baking remember) she did not accept it. Which is unusual. She eats like a dog that one.

She just sat there, staring absent mindedly into no where.

I would have paid good money to know what was going through her head last night.


Supatube said...

I once gave my mothers african grey the stomp of a joint i smoked to shut him up. and in a few minutes he was still, swaying slightly, eyes at half-mast, quiet...he looked adorable.

wozzel said...

brilliant! lol. I think i've found the way to get the bird to keep quiet :) it drives me insane with that constant whistling and chirrping.